Saturday, January 31, 2009


Nice or not the green? Hmmmnnn volatile colour just like chlorine gas.... i love green, my wedding reception is kitchen's paint is green, my bathroom paint is heart??? green with jealousy... hehe a lil bit, but only to hubby dearest...who baju kurung a lot of them are green...

LAZY...RAJIN...LAZY? RAJIN? LAZY! RAJIN! RAJIN.... get up on a sunday morning
rajin....when hubby called, "breakfast is ready..."
lazy? to do laundry on a sunday morning....
rajin? when hubby said "wanna hashbrown and milo?"
lazy! to do anything on a beautiful sunday morning....!
rajin! blogging on a sunday morning!


faiz's wedding reminded me of my wedding not so long ago (was it???) just wanna publish my own wedding photos... as if not enough looking at them almost every other day...a reminiscence of laughter and my tears....

blog ku

my blog is sooooooooooooooo inert! cant even remember the layout / color of my old,old blog... DENGUE...........................!wiped out my memory........horror!


today, we went to my mom's only sister's youngest son's wedding reception....faiz and his new wife, Ramlah.
it was a in a hurried kind of wedding... faiz is 23++, ramlah is she persuaded my adik to wed her...and left all of us hardbroken, he was just a baby!!!
anyway, met all the usual gang...Pak Ngah & Mak Ngah, Mak Long & Pak Long, Izzati, Angah Syidah, along Iwan, Didi, Ida & Hubby, Uncle Pin and Aunty Zah, Uncle Ali & his 2 wives...Aunty Umi & Aunty Tan, abg Dino and kak Manja and children(too many, i cant keep track of them)...
i was bz yakking and chatting....forgot to take any pics with the pengantin....very unusual for me......
hmmmnnn sleepy la... hubby is in la-la land aredi! til tomoro!


31 January 2009...
I am continuing what i used to love, and have halted for a long,long time... WRITING!
i used to think, i took chemistry in university.... and i always, always felt I am in the wrong course....
And now, i am a teacher, think i am in my right path! hmmmnn for now..... tomoro? i dunno!
I tried to search for my old blogs / frienster. no avail... cant even remember a thing! probably dengue wiped out that part from my cerebrum's hard disk...
Today, morning, i am practically free............... on the net for the whole morning...
but it was a fruitful morning... Guess what? I booked me and hubby a return flight to...KOTA KINABALU...! it will be my 3rd and fourth time on a plane... The first, was a trip to Labuan, after my dengue...and the 2nd, was the return flight to KL...Hahaha!MAS and AIR ASIA! but then, mas was cheaper la...rm70, still cheap, about rm276 return air fare to KK... then came my next prob...where to stay???? i remembered BYZAH, my dearest friend from KPLI days... she is in Labuan, she told me, the okay ones would be Promenade or tabung haji... i called the promenade, it was okay. then i saw Tang Dynasty Hotel on the net... quite booked that! but am very interested to try Nexus Karambunai...but Hubby said, we arent that rich yet, and besides, we are not gonna stay the whole day honeymooning kan.. we want to go out and spend, spend, spent!so, x jadilah.....have to settle with Tang dynasty...
Tomorrow, hmmmmmnnnnnnnnn gotta go to IPOH...bosannye, meeting people whom never liked me in the first place...i will be a patung as usual.... must make sure my nokia E71 is fully charged, so that i can read twilight, edward's view...errr midnight sun! and could not be bothered by anyone... oh and am gonna go to Uncle Pin's meet my almost a century old Grandma....Tuk Nda! an earful la i will get from her....she might not even wanna see me!haha, brace urself le yassy.....

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