Saturday, February 14, 2009

My 1st Malay entry... read this. For hearts only!

Pelajar:Ok.Saya pergi sekarang dan buat apa yg cikgu suruh.

Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yg berada di tangannya.Maka cikgu pun bertanya pd pelajar tersebut.

Cikgu:Mana rumput yg cikgu suruh petik?

Pelajar:Tadi saya berjalan di atas rumput sambil mencari rumput yg PALING CANTIK.Memang banyak yg cantik tp cikgu suruh saya petik yg PALING CANTIK jd saya terus berjalan tanpa menoleh ke belakang.Sampai di penghujung saya tak jumpa pun yg PALING CANTIK.Mungkin ada di antara yg di belakang saya sebelum itu tp cikgu dah pesan jgn toleh belakang,jd takde la rumput yg saya boleh petik.

Cikgu:Ya,itu lah jawapannya.Maknanya apabila kita telah berjumpa dgn seseorang yg kita sayang,jgn lah kita hendak mencari yg lain lagi.Kita patut hargai orang yg berada di depan kita sebaik-baiknya.Jgn menoleh ke belakang lagi,yg berlaku tetap dah berlaku.Semoga yg berlalu tak berulang semula.Dan ingatlah orang yg kita sayang itulah yg PALING CANTIK dan PALING BAIK pd mulanya,walaupun banyak lagi yg lebih cantik dan baik.Sama seperti rumput tadi.Kecuali jika perhubungan tersebut tak boleh diselamatkan lagi,maka mulakan lah semula.

**Sayangilah orang yang berada di depan kita dengan tulus & ikhlas**

A life is at stake 7

Aleef is confused. To divorce or not...He had no idea... He wants the kids... Now, he thought he could try to live with it, give Karisha a chance. But, he think again. Why should he gave her a chance? When she is not supposed to do it in the 1st place.
Aleef is giving Karisha hell now. He kept sms-ing her. Asking her to walk out on him. Of course Karisha refused.
Aleef has a new idea. He threatened to take the children away from Karisha. He was not going to let Karisha be happy again.
Karisha asked Aleef, if he knew all of this, why did he take time off for 2 weeks. and treat her well. why not before.
Aleef said that he was just showing Karisha, that he is capable of loving Karisha the way she wanted it. But he was not planning to do it anymore to karisha. It will be with his new wife.
Aleef has consulted a friend, a lawyer. He printed out all of Karisha's emails. And online chattings. And gave it to his friend. And he misunderstood all of karisha's dirty jokes to her male friends. And he is using them against her in court.
He threatened to take the kids away.
But being a person who is unfaithful to her hubby, does not make Karisha a bad mother. In fact, she cares for her children all the time. Hopefully the judge can see it. So that karisha wont lose her children.
This is so far how far it goes, until today.
Karisha is trying to remain calm. With the help of friends and families. With my help and Allah.
Karisha has been neglecting her prayers so far. maybe this is why Allah tested her.
Allah will definitely test us too. Today is Karisha's day. Tomorrow it will be ours.
Let's pray hard for our marriages. So that, it will stand the test of time.
And remember, a platonic relationship between a man and a woman, DOESNT EXIST. NEVER EXIST. CANNOT EXIST! Matters of heart will complicate things.
The End Part A.
Part B: day today basis update...
Ja, make your MJ read this. Powerful reminder. Dont and Never neglect your spouses. No matter what happen.

A life is at stake 6

3 weeks prior to the reunion. Aleef decided to skipped work for 3 weeks. He spent time with his family. He spent more time with Karisha. He treated her like a princess. Like a queen.
Karisha was confused. a week before that, Aleef was angry. Now, he was not.
Karisha thought Aleef had forgiven her. How wrong....
At the reunion, Aleef demanded an explanation. Aleef said no more lies. Karisha thought Aleef was going to accept her, no matter what. Karisha told him everything. The MEALS.
Aleef was angry beyond repair.He was preparing for the worst. But, he was still hoping Karisha will remain faithful.
Aleef demanded Karisha brought Shamrill to him again. Or else he would divorce Karisha right at the reunion itself.
They all met again. This time, Aleef managed to ask Shamrill without beating him up. He asked why? and wanting to know, if Shamrill wanted to marry his wife. Shamrill owned up to the act. But the reason he did it was that, because Shamrill thought Karisha was lonely.And certainly Shamrill has only a fling and good times with Karisha. Nothing else, coz he already got a wife. Aleef just took a glass of hot drink on his table, and poured at Shamrill's handsome face.Karisha just sat there, stoned.
That was the end of Shamrill. No more mentioned about him anymore.
But, it was also the end for Karisha and Aleef.
Aleef cant even think of looking at Karisha's face without even imagining it. Karisha's MEALS. In his head, how could she...? He still loves her, he has never laid a finger on her. And he couldnt bring himself to be separated from her. yet, he doesnt wanna be labelled as "dayus".He is a man.
Karisha knew now, she was being a fool! Yet, she still hope Aleef can forgive her. She prayed hard everyday. Real hard. She thought she cant live without Aleef.

A life is at stake 5

The reunion. It went on as schedule. Karisha came in glory. Without her dear hubby, where everyone else brought their own spouses. While, Karisha was giving her welcome speech, she shed some tears. Probably due to the current situation of her marriage.
Shamrill also attended the event. With his beautiful wife. And Shamrill never once let go of wifey's hands. Karisha was in pain. She didnt know how to react when she saw Shamrill.With his wife.
She knew whatever happen was a mistake.A BIG MISTAKE.on her part at least.
Then came the bomb. Aleef came to the event. Karisha's close friend, Amdy had his hands on Aleef, trying to console him. Earlier, Amdy had told karisha, that Shamrill is a big flirt. He practically "did" it with any girl he wanted. Probably got some "ilmu" up his sleeves. Or else, how would Karisha fell for him instantly. God knows.
Aleef, stood at the doorway of the ballroom. He looked and found Shamrill. He waited until Shamrill saw him. And then Aleef signalled for Shamrill to follow him outside. Shamrill complied. Aleef gave Shamrill a hard slap across his face. And then punched him. Shamrill didnt fight back. He was on defensive mode. The guard came. Shamrill managed to free himself from Aleef. Shamrill went back to the ballroom, fished his wifey and stormed out. Aleef was still furious. He demanded a better explanation from karisha. He wanted to know everything...

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