Saturday, January 31, 2009


today, we went to my mom's only sister's youngest son's wedding reception....faiz and his new wife, Ramlah.
it was a in a hurried kind of wedding... faiz is 23++, ramlah is she persuaded my adik to wed her...and left all of us hardbroken, he was just a baby!!!
anyway, met all the usual gang...Pak Ngah & Mak Ngah, Mak Long & Pak Long, Izzati, Angah Syidah, along Iwan, Didi, Ida & Hubby, Uncle Pin and Aunty Zah, Uncle Ali & his 2 wives...Aunty Umi & Aunty Tan, abg Dino and kak Manja and children(too many, i cant keep track of them)...
i was bz yakking and chatting....forgot to take any pics with the pengantin....very unusual for me......
hmmmnnn sleepy la... hubby is in la-la land aredi! til tomoro!


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