Friday, February 13, 2009

A Life is at stake 4

Karisha kept on emailing and chatting with Shamrill. And then came the second date. The first date, Karisha was hesitating and slightly a reluctant compliant. But on the second date, Karisha has no more hesitations. She knew what she wanted. Shamrill. He turned her on. He worshipped her. He is her everything. Karisha and Shamrill had their "meals" again. And this time it went on from LUNCH to SUPPER. Karisha is superbly satiated. Happy is not the word. ESCTATICLY HAPPY! At 2am, Karisha received a call. From Aleef. Aleef wants to know when is Karisha coming home. Karisha quickly dressed up and left Shamrill. Shamrill dutifully goes back to his own wifey.
Meanwhile, Aleef knew Karisha went out to meet Shamrill. But he needed more evidence. The P.I. is on duty the whole day. Tracking Karisha and Shamrill. Until the hotel. Until the hotel door. ToO bad the hotel room is sound proof. Nevertheless, Aleef got almost all the evidence he wanted. And bid his time.
Karisha is happy, happy. And prepared for the reunion dinner. She got herself a sexy off shoulder satin dress, rich burgundy.
Aleef decided to turn the game. He confronted Karisha with half of the evidence. The best he is saving for the last...
karisha was dumbfounded! How did her usually ignorant hubby became a detective? She doesnt know what to do. So, she confessed to Aleef about her meeting and dating Shamrill. BUt she omitted the details of her date. her MEALS... she kept it in her heart. whatever it is, she won't tell Aleef about it. Aleef musn't know. Aleef accept it with a heavy heart. He decided to stay away from KArisha. But, then he changed his mind again. He took some pills for help....


iamja77 said...

Yasmin.. berderau aku.. dah habis baca.. nak baca lagi... kisah benar ekkk.. adehh. walaupun baru part 4.. tapi tulah, mmg kita kena jaga dirikan.

meenmeer:honeymooners said...

jap lg aku sambung...

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