Tuesday, February 3, 2009

cameron highlands

saw my good friend's ja's blog today...cameron on her mind....hmmmnnnn ja, it wasnt as good as it used to....i just went there last december hols...the pics says it all...

cameron valley tea , strawberry tea!

hmmmnnnn.... wanna load more pics, but.... so slow, next time lah...hubby ask me to sleep... tomoro is another day!

11 years...12,13,14,15,16,17,18th...and counting!

the no of years i am in school....11 formal years...eh...if count the kindy year, and matric years, uni years...kpli(teaching diploma) year, that would be : 18.5 years ! of formal learning years... add 7 years more, that would be a total of 25.5 years of me in school!!! and i am only terrific 32, so i only enjoyed 6.5 years free of the institution affectionately known as school... how funny, and interesting...hmmmmnnnn, and counting!...

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